Transforming Data Management: The Evolution of Change Data Capture at Airbnb


The need for dynamic data management has become increasingly critical in modern applications. This is particularly true for platforms like Airbnb, where real-time updates are essential for features such as dynamic pricing and availability management.

The Challenge of Evolution

As Airbnb’s services expanded, so did the complexity of managing it across multiple microservices. The challenge was to efficiently propagate meaningful data changes while keeping services decoupled.

Introducing SpinalTap

To address these challenges, Airbnb developed SpinalTap, a robust Change Data Capture (CDC) system designed to detect mutations across various sources with minimal latency. This system has become integral to Airbnb’s infrastructure.

Key Requirements

SpinalTap was built with several key requirements in mind:

  • Lossless: Ensuring zero loss.
  • Scalable: Capable of handling increasing loads.
  • Performant: Near real-time change propagation.
  • Consistent: Maintaining order and timeline consistency.
  • Fault Tolerant: High availability with redundancy.
  • Extensible: Adaptable to various sources.

Architecture Overview

SpinalTap’s architecture consists of three main components:

  1. Source: Captures change events from data stores.
  2. Destination: Acts as a sink for processed mutations.
  3. Pipe: Manages the workflow between source and destination.

Implementation Strategies

Several strategies were considered for building the CDC system:

  • Polling
  • Triggers
  • Dual Writes
  • Audit Trail

SpinalTap ultimately leverages database changelogs for asynchronous change detection.

Use Cases

SpinalTap supports various use cases, including:

  • Cache invalidation
  • Real-time search indexing
  • Offline processing
  • Signaling between services


SpinalTap has significantly enhanced Airbnb’s ability to manage data changes efficiently. Its design allows for seamless integration with existing infrastructure while ensuring reliability and performance.


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